With the COVID-19 Pandemic, the digital marketing playground is filling up with new players. Today’s digital marketing field is now more challenging, more diverse, and companies are now organized as more customer-centric. In this situation, retaining your active users is as important as acquiring new ones. Understanding why your users stop using your product and solving those issues reduces the churn rate. As a result, you can develop & increase your product/ service and at the same time make your customer satisfied.

As the Appgain Growth team, we prepared an extensive whitepaper about Churn:

“Why low churn rate is important, why users might stop using your product, the challenges while working on decreasing the churn rate & what are the most suitable solutions.”

This blog is the introduction about what Churn rate is, why it’s important, and why keeping it at bay is a necessity for any successful growth marketeer. We know the churn rate as the percentage of the users who stop using your product. You can find the calculation guide in the whitepaper. As with any good problem-solving process, we need to ask ourselves why does churn rate happen in the first place, and the answer could be any of the below:

  • The user journey might be complicated.
  • The user may not be satisfied with the product offer or the after-sales support.
  • The user may have a pending complaint, refunds, or received not completed order.
  • The purchasing process might be long and distracting for the user.
  • They might have heard a bad comment about you.
  • They might have needed a push to purchase, which you didn’t send.

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What challenges do marketers face when trying to decrease the churn rate?

    • Not knowing the reasons for the inactive users.
    • Lack of user insights.
    • Poor segmentation of users.
    • Long action & measurement process.
    • Not analyzing the outcomes of the measurement.
    • Making campaigns & actions that are not possible to measure or track.
    • Insisting on an assumed value instead of listening to the customer.
  • Being unable to get feedback directly from the user or monitor his behavior

For the answers to those questions & more, drop your email, and we will send you the whitepaper “Churn Rate: All the Why’s & How’s to Decrease Churn Rate.”

