WebEngage is a well-known omnichannel messaging software that will help you engage your users through different channels but for some reason, you want a WebEngage alternative, right?

Appgain is a full-stack web & mobile marketing platform that also empowers you to engage your users over the omnichannel, track your lost users& re-target them over all social media channels & improve your app user experience
through smart deep linking.

So, do you want an omnichannel engagement tool or a full-stack Web and Mobile marketing platform?
Here’s why we’re the best customer engagement platform on the market and the best WebEngage alternative

What is common between Appgain and WebEngage?

Analytics & Segmentation

Through both platforms’ real-time analytics, you will be able to understand your audience, know their location, demographics, behaviors, etc. You will be able to segment your users based on their behaviors, or their personal data and reach them over Omnichannel

Omni-channel messaging

You can engage your users to drive high retention and sales by communicating with your users over the multi-channel. You can send them emails, SMS, push notifications, web push, WhatsApp messages, etc.
A/B test your campaign by launching multiple variations for your campaign and will get real-time detailed analytics of how efficient each version of your campaign is.
But Appgain has something more special, we offer video push notifications that will make your push campaign 10x more engaging than standard text push notifications.

Feature Appgain WebEngage
Rich Push Notification
Web Push
Video Push


(How video push notifications work)

What does Appgain offer but WebEngage doesn’t?


Uninstall tracking

According to the Harvard Business Review magazine, acquiring new customers can be 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing customers. That’s we offer you the uninstall tracking product. With this product, you can identify
who uninstalled your app and re-target them all over social media.


As our attention spans are constantly shrinking over time, you need to remind your audience of your product multiple times. Data shows that new users need to see your ads at least 7 times before they start to use your app in a daily manner.

Feature Appgain WebEngage
FB Ads Retargeting
Instagram Ads Retargeting
Google Ads Retargeting
Twitter Ads Retargeting
Snapchat Ads Retargeting
LinkedIn Ads Retargeting

Marketing Automation & Anti-Spam Pressure Protection


You want to engage your users, it helps if you design automated marketing campaigns for the entire app customer experience. But you also don’t want to be spamming while you are trying to engage them. That’s why we built marketing pressure
protection. To ensure you’re sending your users just the right amount of messages they need.

Feature Appgain WebEngage
Marketing Automation
Marketing Pressure Protection


Smart Deep Linking

Appgain smart deep linking helps you to improve your app user experience, so your app users move seamlessly & smoothly from all of your channels to your app. They can be routed from the SMS message, email, your website, social ads, etc. to
your specified page instantly.

Data proves that deep links can double your activation rate & engagement rate and increase your user acquisition. Through deferred deep linking your audience can be routed directly to a specific page in your app even if they don’t have
it installed. Through contextual deep linking, you can know the source your users came from, so you can measure each campaign/channel/influencers’ efficiency & ROI. We wrote a detailed article on

what is deep linking, why it matter, and how you can use it?

(how users move from an SMS message to an app page through a deep link)

Feature Appgain WebEngage
Standard Deep Links
Deferred Deep Links
Contextual Deep Links

Mobile attribution

Mobile attribution is a powerful tracking tool, it’ll help you track everything you want to measure in the marketing funnel, starting from tracking& measuring link clicks, through downloads and installs, to conversion &
revenue tracking.

This tool will give you all the insights you need to know how effective each acquisition campaign or influencer is and what is the ROI and what are the pain points you need to optimize or eliminate!

But what does WebEngage have that we don’t?

Journey Designer

WebEngage offers a drag-and-drop interface journey designer. So you can build complex scenario-based campaigns easily (just drag & drop).
Good news, is that we are working on this feature and will be released very soon. Here’s a picture from the appgain kitchen for our journey map designer.

Still not sure if we’re the best WebEngage alternative, or have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out and Contact Us!


Categories: Versus