October 2020 will be challenging for the entire mobile apps advertising, and you may ask what’s new with the IDFA after Apple announced the new iOS system ‘iOS 14‘ 

For marketers, it is IDFA (The Identifier for Advertisers) simply it is a device identifier in Apple’s system. Attribution platforms like Adjust, Singular, Kochava, or AppsFlyer use it for tracking and identifying a user (without revealing personal information), allowing advertisers to access aggregated data.

The data is used to discover information about the user’s activity like in-app events or the interaction with the mobile advertising Campaigns.

With iOS 14 all of that is going away and IDFA will be useless for mobile attribution unless the user decides whether to allow an app or brand to track his or her activity and interactions with other companies’ websites and apps or not.


IDFA is very important for marketers, but on the other hand, privacy for users is essential and this prompted Apple to take this step by allowing companies to use IDFA after the user’s permission.

There is no doubt that it is a secure step and will keep the user’s privacy. But a vast industry here like mobile app ads will experience a big change.

According to Apps-flyer estimate that $ 80 billion in 2019 and expected to grow to $ 120 billion in 2022. The major market share is the announcement of iOS apps. Hence with changes to IDFA accessibility, the industry may suffer a significant downturn.

Global App Install Ad Spend to Reach $118B in 2022 | AppsFlyer

In the previous, any iPhone user could switch off IDFA tracking in his or her privacy settings but only 15% of users do that based on Apps-flyer estimate.

This number can reach 70% with opt-in notification for every app in the new iOS 14. And as a result without accurate information, data will drop massively and ad campaigns will get affected.

Moreover, the equation will be changed in the ad ecosystem with various platforms especially Google and Facebook since they have the lion’s share.

But let us not forget that both can handle the situation and regain stability. Facebook and Google are the two biggest platforms for mobile users. The user’s data and information can play a big role and make a difference for them.

On the other side, the other apps and advertisers won’t stop advertising but will be a dilemma if they can’t measure the efficiency of their ads without accurate data.

Of course, Apple isn’t leaving the advertisers without a solution and a practical tool to use it. It recommends using its SKAdNetwork for attribution and is going to develop and update it.

SKAdNetwork will allow advertisers and brands to know the ads that led to the required actions without revealing which specific devices or people took those actions.

There’s no escaping the fact that we will experience a remarkable Transformation in Mobile apps advertising and we can expect to see several updates from both advertising and attribution platforms.

Will see how small and medium app companies will be a competitor to be reckoned with when using their effective advertising tools in mobile user acquisition.

The ability of adaptability and making smart decisions is what will work well in this situation.

October 2020 …stay tuned!


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