Today with the power of smart devices and internet, promoters and enterprises can reach more people than ever. We now have the power of knowing the profile of customers interested in our business. We can retarget them to turn people who are on the edge into a customer or to increase the brand loyalty of those who already are. Using a smart marketing approach can help greatly in achieving a big boost in retail growth rate. Smart retargeting approaches can take your retargeting efforts a step further in that direction.

Let’s have a look at how can it do that, and how can we use it.

Turn more of the potential customers into actual customers

The process of getting new clients happens through multiple phases. First, you attract people, pique their interest, and make them aware of your existence. Then they step through the other phases to become your clients and even voluntary promoters.

retail growth retargeting customers
It is essential for retail growth to turn people you have attracted to have a look into actual buyers. They are already interested in what you have, that’s why they have checked you out in the first place. Now give the last little push they need!

Thing is, you will lose some of the people you have attracted along the way before they become actual customers. In fact, their numbers will usually be more, much more than those that become your new clients.

Retargeting will, however, allow you to reach out to those who were about to close the deal, but didn’t.

Reach them out with a reminder, or better yet, an offer to convince them, to give them the final little push they needed to go for your product or service.

However, retargeting can run the risk of being spammy and feel pestering to your audience. Especially when it seems arbitrary and impersonal. This can hurt your brand image, and we don’t want that…

Here, the smart retargeting rushes to the rescue! With smart retargeting, you use the right campaign content for the right people. You use behavior and demographics data to retarget them with the right offer for the right product.

Not only will it make it more likely for them to finally go for your offer, but it will also help you with achieving a more sustainable growth since your audience will not see you like “yet another spammy salesman”.

Don’t let poor abandoned shopping carts to languish, let them become actual sales!

Retargeting helps your growth not only with getting new customers, but it also helps with the existing ones. Let’s say, someone either forgot or decided against a purchase after adding products to a cart.

Isn’t that one of the saddest moments for a retail business, when a happy purchase falls apart just as it was about to bloom? Do not despoil though! As this is just the right job for retail retargeting!

When a user leaves a cart behind, you can use retargeting to entice them and get to reconsider.

Increase customer loyalty

Another benefit of smart retargeting is that you can remind your existing clients of your business.

retail growth retargeting for customer loyalty
Make your customers irresistible offers, provide the benefits. Retargeting them with these will keep them coming, and hep your retail growth a lot.

Let’s say a group of your customers who were interested in a certain type of your products or a campaign.

When you do another similar campaign or release a similar new product you can retarget those users who were already interested before.

Another use of retargeting can be reaching out to customers who have not been active for some time. Remind them of the products they liked, or incentivize their patronage with an offer.

So, ok, smart retargeting is good, but how does it work, how will it improve the retail growth rates?

Don’t be this guy… shooting random messages will not guarantee your retail growth. Try smart retargeting instead 🙂

Well, not every retargeting tool will give you the options we call “smart”. Usually, you need a completely integrated toolkit to build databases of audience analysis and feed this information to the channels you want to use for retargeting.

In Appgain’s case, Mobile Landing Pages technology lets you to create landing pages for products and/or campaigns, and also give you a channel for Web Push Notifications. People will find you through these SEO and mobile-optimized pages and can subscribe to your notifications. These subscribers grant you a base of users who are interested in the offer you are promoting with the page.

You can also use your existing mailing lists or phonebooks to integrate with event-based marketing automation where many channels like SMS, App, and Web Push Notifications, or emails.

You can also track the success of these actions, who opens and follows on with the actions in your message? Where are they from? What platform are they using?

This helps you with refining your campaigns and go for better aimed and more personal retargeting.

Still, got questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Contact Us! Request Demo now.
