“A giant step for iPhone. A monumental leap for iPad.”

That is how Apple describes the new mobile operating system they launched last September, and they were absolutely right!

The new IOS 11 advanced mobile operating system is such a revolutionary change that empowers Apple mission of providing the best user experience people could ever have. As for us app developers and mobile marketers, IOS 11 raises the bar way too high and here is why:

1- New Prompt API for Apps

It’s obvious that Apple is heading more towards getting 100% user satisfaction,

so one of its tools to achieve so is to stop the “rate-me-now” annoying pop-ups that users always get while using a certain app.

Instead of having to leave the app to do the rating thing in the app store,

IOS11 built a new review prompt API where users can now review any app right on the spot without leaving it.

As for developers and marketers, now you can’t have a custom review prompt anymore;

you are only allowed to prompt for reviews just three times a year or less.

However, you still got your chances to connect customers and gather feedback using the new interactive review system.

You also have access to your user’s comments and reviews and can now directly respond.

2- Intelligent Tracking Prevention

If you depend on cookie mechanism and other traditional tools to track user’s web-to-app Installs and Mobile Attribution,

then you will definitely need to change that strategy now! With IOS11 new Intelligent Tracking Preventer,

developers are no longer allowed to use Safari web cookies and others to reach for any app.

accordingly, you will need to rely more on deep linking from trusted platforms that use more advanced tracking and attribution tools.

3- In-app purchase promotion

Previously, if people need to understand what’s more into your app, they had to download it first.

Accordingly, you had a big percentage of your content undiscoverable for your purchasers,

just waiting for them to download the app to view.

With IOS11 this is totally gone! Now you can promote up to 20 of that previously-not-discovered content on your product page,

where users can browse and buy even before downloading the app.

Such a feature enable you to boost your app downloads,

give your purchasers a clue about what exactly is in here for them inside your app and Increase the discoverability for content that previously only viewed when downloading.

4- QR codes native support

Presenting a wide range of new features, IOS 11 is now natively supporting QR codes.

Which means that IOS11 camera apps can now open a URL in Safari or a deep link of an already app.

It can also promote app installation; if the users haven’t got your app yet, IOS11 QR Codes can send them to the app store to download it.

5- NFC Reader Mode

Remember when computers came to life and change everything?

That’s exactly how IOS11 NFC reader Mode is doing to the mobile industry!

Now is not only supporting vertical market like security and gaming, but it is also taking horizontal technology like WiFi and camera by storm!

NFC Reader Mode is utilizing the internet of things, and you as a mobile marketer and app developer must start thinking of how to seize such an opportunity.

Staying on the top is not an easy task to do. To keep track you need to start applying your intensive SWOTs,

determine what is in here for you and seize such opportunities, point out the challenges you got and start working to endure them,

and finally reconsider your whole strategy and figure out how you are willing to deal with such technological turn of events!

Still, got questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Contact Us! Request Demo now.

Categories: Mobile Marketing