COVID-19. A name we have been excessively hearing in the past few months. An expected pandemic that did not only threaten our well-being but also affected a countless number of businesses all over the world. Businesses from all industries no matter how large or small it is, this crisis could still diminish even the strongest in the market. Of course due to the fact that these companies hire a large number of employees who rely on a steady monthly income to be able to live and fulfill their everyday needs. 

One of the most common actions that businesses took was laying off as many employees as possible and reducing expenses in order to survive in this cut-throat environment. Best of the best companies were trying to take every chance to avoid more losses and to sustain their name in the market. However, some sank at the bottom and officially declared their bankruptcy.

So, if you are reading this during the COVID-19 era. This will be your ultimate guide to survive the current situation. So let us spread some positive vibes and discuss how to adapt from a business perspective.


Digital Presence

If you did not have an online presence before the pandemic. This is your chance. Digital marketing is an advanced language for advertisements. It is considered one of the cheapest and most effective options you have to expand your reach online. Whether you are going after awareness, reach, or conversions. Digitizing your promotional activities is your first step to adaptation. Set your budget and launch your ads for customers to see in your area and you have just put your foot in the right direction.

Online Delivery 

Brands from various industries including the ones that did not even cover delivery options within their business operations, provided a free delivery facility just to boost sales. As we all know, we have been home quarantining for some time as our beloved daily routine. Which makes this add-on to your order a brilliant deal. Surely, no one was going nowhere and businesses were thriving for selling products. Therefore, it was considered a win-win situation for both ends.

Discounts and Offers

Consumers love Discounts and Offers. Does not matter if we need it or not, we are taking two of each. Promoting a discount or an offer triggers the urge of conversion in customers. Qualifying it as an incredible way to motivate your target segment to take action.

New Direction

It is definitely very important for businesses to plan for the future. Will the pandemic be over soon? Would we be able to encourage customers to convert? Will there be permanent changes in the dynamic of consumer flow?. Lots of questions and a few answers found to settle us down. Thus, you have to be proactive and strategize while considering all of these different variables. While having a backup plan just in case things go well as planned.


How could we help?

Finally, we offer you a 14-day Free trial, all-inclusive access to our platform to help you take the first steps along the way. Got any questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Request a Demo.

Our customized free demo will help you to:
  • Measure the ROI of each running campaign.
  • Retarget users who didn’t convert from your campaigns.
  • Deliver campaigns across many channels such as Push, Web Push, Email, SMS.

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