Appgain Mobile Marketing Weekly News Digest – Issue 3

This week, we will talk about Google’s future changing step about privacy issues & some tips for the marketers from Apple’s side. Since the rollout of the Apple ATT policy, many changes are happening from all users – apps and competitors’ side.  

As we mentioned the previous week, ATT prompts are still in the adoption process for the users. Also, the number of people who allow apps to track increases. At the same time, the number of people who opt-in to the ATT increases. Apps are complaining about the dominance & restriction that Apple has created, but inevitably, most of the apps integrate the ATT and give updates. Meanwhile, some apps have decided to take Apple’s action to court with the accusation of dominating & monopolizing the field. When there’s news on the legal side, we will be informing you. 


The safety issue was both in the wonder of users and the marketers. Apple’s last update was critical on this situation because it wasn’t sure if this would be the new future or a clumsy attempt. If we accept that the ATT is just the first step and IDFA is gone, it means that a new way of marketing has just begun. 

Google’s latest announcement made the future more clearer:

“Android apps will be required to inform the users about the data until Q2 2022.” 

Which type of personal data an app collects and shares, also gives access to additional details that impact privacy and security.

Chronology Of The Feature: 

The policy requirements are told to be announced this summer. Here are the things we know for now in bullet points: 

  • The Safety Section will include if the App is following a Family Policy, especially about child safety.
  • It’s expected from the apps to provide accurate information. If Google Play discovers that the data usage is conflicting with the policy, it will be warned. When the app does not take action, policy enforcement will be applied.
  • The apps will be expected to share which data is being collected.

It seems that it is different from the ATT in terms of the flexibility of the users to change the permissions but a way for apps to share & explain the data policies to the user in a better way. Still, informing the user about the data and all the policies will give us a clue that data collecting and processing will be regulated by digital distribution platforms for apps, with legal codes (we will see after Apple’s lawsuit). The next topic will explain how to adopt the change. 


Apple Search Ads is getting more value after the last update of Apple: ATT. So as Appgain, we have just added Apple Search Attribution to enable you to identify which users are acquired from Apple search ads campaigns. Update your Apple apps with Appgain SDK with no extra code or purchase needed, let Appgain show you the Apple search ads acquisition.


To help you to have the best Apple Search Ads strategy, we recommend you: Essential Apple Search Ads Strategies to Optimize Your Ads by Mobile Action.

Next week,  we will discuss how to make a good ATT prompt and introduce you to newly launched Apple Search Tabs Ads. In addition, we know how important it is to scale and optimize the Apple Search Ads to compensate for the flexibility that IDFA gave.

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