Apps nowadays became a part of our life it can help us in shopping, playing, watching videos and purchasing, etc, in another meaning, it’s a journey for users that they spend time and money with it and sometimes they end up leaving the app or removing it, So when we notice that some users prefer an app than another we realize that behind this app or brand a marketer who understood very well the users’ journey to keep his/her brand on the track, and that takes us to go in details to know more about users’ journey.

What is the user journey?

A user journey is a map that shows the ways in which users complete the desired action, in another meaning, purchasing, typically a timeline of user actions that show how a user will go from download to conversion, including every action and interaction with an app.

Why is the user journey important?

In the marketing world showing consumers why a product is valuable and worth purchasing will be the same thing in mobile apps, marketers will try to highlight the functionality of an app and what added value will gain the user, if he/she installed the app.

Then it’s important for every app to know why a user has installed their app in order to better improve it and ease users’ needs. By following the users’ steps journey you can know the user experience and how it can be optimized.

For example, knowing what caused the user to install your app or what prompted him/her to make the purchasing decision and what are the reasons caused the user to uninstall your app.


Mapping your customer journey 

When mapping out your mobile customer journey, it is recommended to follow these main steps:

– Identify Customer Behaviors

In another meaning creating a customer persona, By learning common user behaviors you can create several user personas to understand how different types of users interact with your app, then It will help you to know what users want from your app and how can you improve the app features, Consider looking closely at recently new customers and trace each of their journeys step-by-step in order to fully understand their experience, you can learn about your users by taking surveys or asking them for feedback, or more advanced, can be made in a marketing research plan.


– Understand customer goals

Defining the goal of your customers is part of understanding the behavior of the users. From the second you can define the goals that the users want and that goal can be known by the actions that the user takes in your application.


– Identify touch-points 

A touch-point is any point at which a user interacts with your app, From the step the user installs the app and interactions taking place after a purchase event. Without identifying every touch-point, you’re missing out on ways to optimize the mobile app user journey and identify areas for improvement.


– Gathering data 

In gathering data, your main focus must be on covering the pain points, A user’s main reason for installing the app. to your app features, and your unique selling points by having these data you easily create a practical user persona and begin mapping the user journey.

This will allow you to associate the customer data with their behavior and actions, ultimately improving your app strategy in the future.


How could we help?

Finally, we offer you a 14-day Free trial, all-inclusive access to our platform to help you take the first steps along the way. Got any questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Request a Demo.

Our customized free demo will help you to:
  • Measure the ROI of each running campaign.
  • Re-target users who didn’t convert from your campaigns.
  • Deliver campaigns across many channels such as Push, Web Push, Email, SMS.

Categories: Mobile Marketing