Leverage your marketing with our advanced software and cohesive platform to get a more insightful analysis of your campaign’s results. Do not let customers abandon your call to action as you hold on to retaining users and push up conversion rates simultaneously.

Here is what our free plan offers your business while OneSignal does not


Get a real-time conversion tracking, flexibility, and delivery schedule with 50k subscribers while OneSignal offers 30k only!

Marketing Automation

It can help design automated marketing campaigns for the entire mobile customer lifecycle, with Omnichannel messaging through push/web push /Email /SMS channels. Appgain 6 templates – OneSignal 3 templates

Rich Push Notifications

Appgain will help your business with Rich Push Notifications. You can send push notifications with a preview that leads to a certain webpage, send pushes with a gif, silent push, and video push
Localizing push: the ability to send push in multi-language with a notification sound customization.

Zapier Integration

provided only with Appgain so you can create one or more triggers for Zapier to transform your data inputs into insightful information for your business operations.
Here are the triggers we provide so you can activate any Zap:

  • User Removed the App
  • New User
  • User Event
  • Tracked App Installation
  • Tracked app installation revenue

Live Segments

There are two types of segments we provide, Past Behavior Segments and Live User Segments.
Also, in Appgain, up to 10 segments compared to 3 in OneSignal.




Audiences 50K 30K
6 3
Rich Push Notifications
Zapier Integration

HowAppgain is better?


Track your uninstalled users and re-target them through omnichannel marketing or through their favorite social media platform. Never let your user churn

Know who uninstalled your app: Once you know who uninstalled your app, you can easily retarget them. It’s never a good thing to lose a customer. Keep churn rates low.

  • Know Who uninstalled
  • Re-target your app uninstallers
  • Reduce your churn rates
  • Increase your retention rates




Uninstall Tracking
Retargeting Short Links 


Managing and understanding your users in the Appgain Dashboard:

Rich User Profiles: View all of your user’s data in detail with easy and simple analytics.
User Life Time Value: Know your users’ lifetime value of your users easily!
Personalized Journeys: Personalize your campaign based on users’ behavior.




Rich User profile
Segment User by Property
Segment User by Acquisition Channel
Segment User by Event
Segment User by Location

Marketing Automation

It can help design automated marketing campaigns for the entire mobile customer lifecycle, with Omnichannel messaging through push/web push /Email /SMS channels. Appgain 6 templates – OneSignal 3 templates.




Event Bast Marketing Automation
Marketing Pressure Protection

Omni Channel Messaging

Reach your customers on their preferred channel, no matter where they’re
App Push: App Push notifications are an important aspect of omnichannel marketing, and in Appgain, we provide Rich Push Notifications.
Web Push: Web Push notifications are an important aspect in omnichannel marketing, and in Appgain, we provide Rich Push Notifications
SMS: is your way of reaching your customers without them being online and is an important OmniChannel marketing tool, and with Appgain, you get more reach features.




Web Push Notifications
Push Notifications
Rich Push
Campaign conversion and revenue tracking



Retarget your users even after removing the app!
Automated Tracking: Re-target your customers. As soon as they open your links just once on all major social media, no matter where your customer at, you’ll be able to reach and re-target him. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn
built-in Mobile Landing Pages and Smart Deep Links: Utilize Smart Links and Landing Pages by enabling your marketing campaigns to get attraction and go viral. With deep links, your customer could:

  • Retweet Status on Twitter
  • Share On What’s App
  • Share On Messenger
  • Share Status on Facebook

Integrated within the Solution: Our pixel tracking technology is embedded within our marketing links. Whether you’re using our




App Retargeting
Link Retargeting

Still, got questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Contact Us!
Request Demo now.


Categories: Versus