Boost your conversion rate curve upwards and lock up all of your data, including untouched Raw data, with Appgain’s Marketing Solutions Cloud. Here is what we offer your business, while CleverTap does not with a fraction of the price.
Raw Data Access

  • Secure all of your data in-house for higher accessibility and tracing.
  • Back-Up your work by storing your Raw Data on our Cloud.
  • Refer back to where your business has started and compared it to your current results for performance assessment.

Mobile Landing Pages

  • Engage users with our high-performance responsive landing pages.
  • Attract traffic to your channel by reaching more Mobile users.
  • Alternate from our pre-designed templates or build your own using our HTML code space on the platform.

Deep View

  • Give your audience a taste of your Mobile App before installation.
  • Let users learn about your App via the Web.
  • Optimize your Application’s organic search discoverability.

Now that you have known what you were missing, Appgain offers you an All-Inclusive package with the most affordable price in the market.



Clever Tap

Mobile Deep Linking
Mobile Attribution
Mobile Landing Pages
Deep View
Raw Data Accessibility

Still, got questions? Do not hesitate to reach out and Contact Us!
Request Demo Now


Categories: Versus